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Növbəti dərsə keçid və ya cari dərsin davamı səhifənin aşağı hissəsindədir.

Dərs 30: 1/5 - Qrammatika dərsləri. (seçdiyiniz səviyyə: intermediate)

May və might -- 2

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We use may and might to talk about possible actions or happenings in the future:
•   I haven't decided yet where to spend my holidays. I may go to Ireland. (= perhaps I will go to Ireland)
Take an umbrella with you when you go out. It might rain later. (= perhaps it will rain)
•   The bus doesn't always come on time. We might have to wait a few minutes. (= perhaps we will have to wait)
The negative forms are may not and might not (mightn't):
Ann may not come to the party tonight. She isn't well. (= perhaps she will not come) © There might not be a meeting on Friday because the director is ill. {= perhaps there will not be a meeting)

Usually it doesn't matter whether you use may or might. So you can say:
•   I may go to Ireland,  or I might go to Ireland.
Jane might be able to help you. or Jane may be able to help you. But we use only might [not may) when the situation is not real:
•   If I knew them better, I might invite them to dinner.
(The situation here is not real because I don't know them very well, so I'm not going to invite them. 'May' is not possible in this example.)
There is also a continuous form: may/might be -ing. Compare this with will be -ing:

  1. Don't phone at 8.30. I'll be watching the football on television.
  2. Don't phone at 8.30.1 might be watching (or I may be watching) the football on television. (= perhaps I'll be watching it)

For will be -ing see Unit 24.
We also use may/might be -ing for possible plans. Compare:
•   I'm going to Ireland in July, (for sure)
I may be going (or I might be going) to Ireland in July, (possible) But you can also say 'I may go (or I might go) to Ireland...' with little difference of meaning.
Might as well / may as well Study this example:
Helen and Clare have just missed the bus. The buses run every hour.

'(We) might as well do something' = (We) should do something because there is nothing better to do and there is no reason not to do it. You can also say 'may as well.

•   a: What time are you going?
b: Well, I'm ready, so I might as well go now. (or ...I may as well go now)
•   The buses are so expensive these days, you might as well get a taxi. 1= taxis are just as good, no more expensive)


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