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Dərs 41: 1/5 - Qrammatika dərsləri. (seçdiyiniz səviyyə: beginner)

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go to ... (go to work / go to London / go to a concert etc.)

  • What time do you usually go to work?
  • I'm going to France next week.
  • Tom didn't want to go to the concert.
  • 'Where's Ann?'    'She's gone to bed.'
  • I went to the dentist last week.

go to sleep = yatmaq (yatmağa getmək)

  • I was very tired and went to sleep quickly.

go home (to hissəciyi olmadan)

  • I'm going home now. (not 'going to home')




a trip

go on

a tour


an excursion


a cruise

  • We're going on holiday next week.
  • Children often go on school trips.
  • When we were in Scotland, we went on a lot of excursions to different places.
  • The workers have gone on strike. (= they are refusing to work)


a walk


a run

go (somewhere) for a swim
  a drink
  a meal


a holiday

  • 'Where's Ann?'    'She's gone for a walk.'
  • Do you go for a run every day?
  • The sea looks nice. Let's go for a swim.
  • We went for a drink after work yesterday.
  • Shall we go out for a meal? I know a good restaurant.
  • They've gone to Scotland for a holiday.
    (We say 'on holiday' but 'for a holiday'.)

go -ing

go -ing ifadəsini bir çox idman növləri (swimming / skiing etc.) və bazarlıqla bağlı işlədirik:

I go
he is going
we went
they have gone
she wants to go


  • Are you going shopping this afternoon?
  • It's a nice day. Let's go swimming, (or Let's go for a swim.)
  • Rachel has a small boat and she often goes sailing.
  • I went jogging before breakfast this morning.


get a letter / get a job və s. (get isim) = receive/buy/fetch/find:

don't have something -> you get it -> you have it

  • 'Did you get my letter?'    'Yes, I got it yesterday' (= receive)
  • I like your pullover. Where did you get it? (= buy)
  • (on the phone) 'Hello, can 1 speak to Ann, please?' 'One moment. I'll get her.' (=fetch)
  • It's difficult to get a job at the moment. (= find
həmçinin get a bus / a train / a taxi (= take a bus/train və s.):

  • 'Did you come here on foot?'    'No, I got the bus.'

get hungry / get cold / get tired və s. (get adjective) = become:

you're not hungry -> you get hungry -> you are hungry

  • If you don't eat, you get hungry.
  • Drink your coffee. It's getting cold.
  • I'm sorry your mother is ill. I hope she gets better soon.
  • We got very wet because we didn't have an umbrella.

həmçinin get married, get dressed (= put your clothes on), get lost (= lose your way)

  • Linda and Frank are getting married soon.I got up and got dressed quickly. We went for a walk and got lost.

get to a place = arrive:

  • I usually get to work before 8.30. (= arrive at work)
  • We left London at 10 o'clock and got to Manchester at 12.45.
  • How did you get here? By bus?

get home (to hissəciyi olmadan):

  • What time did you get home last night?

get in/out/on/off:

get in (a car), get out (of a car), get on and get off (a bus / a train / a plane)

  • Kate got in the car and drove away. (You can also say: Kate got into the car ...)
  • A car stopped and a man got out. (but A man got out of the car.)
  • We got on the bus outside the hotel and got off in Church Street.


Do bir qayda olaraq hərəkəti bildirmək üçün işlədilir:

  • What are you doing this evening? ('What are you making?' - yox)
  • 'Shall I open the window?'    'No, it's OK. I'll do it.'
  • Julia's job is very boring. She does the same thing every day.
  • I did a lot of things yesterday.

What do you do? = What's your job?:

  • 'What do you do?'     'I work in a bank.'


Make = produce/create. Məsələn:

  • She's making coffee.  
  • He has made a cake.  
  • They make umbrellas.
  • It was made in France.

Müqayisə edin, do və make:

  • I did a lot of things yesterday. I cleaned my room, 1 wrote some letters and I made a cake.
  • A: What do you do in your free time? Sport? Reading? Hobbies?
    B: I make clothes. I make dresses and jackets. I also make toys for children.

Do feli ilə olan ifadələr:


an exam (examination) / a test
a course
(somebody) a favour

    1. I'm doing my driving test next week.
    2. John has just done a training course.
    3. Have the children done their homework?
    4. Ann, could you do me a favour?
    5. I go for a run and do exercises every morning.
    6. I hate doing housework, especially cleaning.

həmçinin do the shopping / the washing / the washing-up / the ironing / the cooking və s.:

  • I did the washing but I didn't do the shopping.

Make feli ilə olan ifadələr:


a mistake
an appointment
a phone call
a list
a noise
a bed

  • I'm sorry, I made a mistake.
  • I must make an appointment to see the doctor.
  • Excuse me, I have to make a phone call.
  • Have you made a shopping list?
  • It's late. We mustn't make a noise.
  • Sometimes I forget to make my bed in the morning.

We say make a film but take a photograph:

  • When was this film made? but When was this photograph taken?


have və have got

I've got (something) or I have (something) = it is mine:

  • I've got a new car. or I have a new car.
  • Sue has got long hair, or Sue has long hair.
  • Have they got any children? or Do they have any children?
  • Tim hasn't got a job. or Tim doesn't have a job.
  • How much time have you got? or How much time do you have?


I've got
I have

a headache / (a) toothache / a stomach ache / a pain (in my leg etc.) a cold / a cough / a sore throat / a temperature / flu və s.
  • I've got a headache. or I have a headache.
  • Have you got a cold? or Do you have a cold?

Keçmiş zaman : I had ('got' sözü olmadan) / I didn't have / Did you have? və s.:

  • When I first met Sue, she had short hair.
  • He didn't have any money because he didn't have a job.
  • How much time did you have?

have breakfast / have a shower və s.

Bu cür ifadələrdə have = eat/drink/take və s. 'have got' ifadəsindən istifadə etmək olmaz:


breakfast / lunch / dinner
a meal / a sandwich / a pizza
a cup of coffee / a glass of milk
something to eat/drink

  • 'Where's Ann? 'She's having lunch.'
  • I don't usually have breakfast.
  • I had three cups of coffee this morning.
  • 'Have a biscuit!'   'Oh, thank you.'

Aşağıdakı ifadələrdə də have felindən (have got - yox) istifadə olunur:


a bath / a shower

a rest / a holiday / a party

a nice time / a good journey etc.

a walk / a swim / a game (of tennis etc.)

a dream / an accident

a baby

a look (at...)

  • I had a shower this morning.
  • We're having a party next week. You must come.
  • Enjoy your holiday. Have a nice time!
  • Did you have a good time in London?
  • Sandra has just had a baby.
  • Can I have a look at your newspaper?

Müqayisə edin, I've got and I have:

  • I've got / I have a new shower. It's very good. (You can use I've got or I have in this sentence.)
  • I have a shower every morning, ( 'I've got' - yox)
  • A: Where's Paul?
    B: He's having a shower. (= he's washing now)


Diqqət. Qeydiyyatdan keçib hesaba daxil olmayan istifadəçilər ancaq hər dərsin birinci hissəsini görə bilir. Eləcə də testləri yalnız hesaba daxil olmuş qeydiyyatlı istifadəçilər görə və həll edə bilər. Dərslərdən tam faydalanmaq üçün əgər hesabınız varsa sağ sütunda müvafiq bölmədən email-parol yazaraq daxil olun, yoxdursa, qeydiyyatdan keçin.

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