Online dİl kursuna qoşulun
Ödənişsiz olaraq (*) qrammatika öyrənin, testlər həll edin, audio yazılar dinləyin, tərcüməli mətnlər oxuyun, 142660 istifadəçi ilə ingilis dilində ünsiyyət qurun, il boyu davam edən müsabiqədə iştirak edib müxtəlif hədiyyələr qazanma şansı əldə edin...Dərs
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Dərs 20: 1/5 - Qrammatika dərsləri. (seçdiyiniz səviyyə: beginner)
Məchul növ
Əvvəlcə misallara baxaq:
The office is cleaned every day.
The office was cleaned yesterday.
Məlum növlə məchul növün müqayisəsi:
Somebody cleans the office every day.
The office is cleaned every day.
Somebody cleaned the office yesterday.
The office was cleaned yesterday.
Məchul növün düzəlməsi:
İndiki zamanda: am / is / are (not) fel (keçmiş formada)
Keçmiş zamanda: was / were (not) fel (keçmiş formada)
Butter is made from milk.
Oranges are imported into Britain.
How often are these rooms cleaned?
I am never invited to parties.
This house was built 100 years ago.
These houses were built 100 years ago.
When was the telephone invented?
We weren't invited to the party last week.
'Was anybody injured in the accident?' 'Yes, two people were taken to hospital.'
Was / were born:
I was born in London in 1962. ('I am born' -- yox)
Where were you born?
Məchul by:
We were woken up by a loud noise. (= The noise woke us up.)
The telephone was invented by Alexander Bell in 1876.
My brother was bitten by a dog last week.