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Ödənişsiz olaraq (*) qrammatika öyrənin, testlər həll edin, audio yazılar dinləyin, tərcüməli mətnlər oxuyun, 142660 istifadəçi ilə ingilis dilində ünsiyyət qurun, il boyu davam edən müsabiqədə iştirak edib müxtəlif hədiyyələr qazanma şansı əldə edin...Dərs
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Dərs 14: 1/5 - Qrammatika dərsləri. (seçdiyiniz səviyyə: advanced)
Keçmişə nəzərən gələcəkdə olmuş hadisə haqqında danışmağın müxtəlif üsulları var. Bunun üçün çox vaxt gələcək zamanı formalaşdırmaq üçün istifadə etdiyimizi köməkçi fellərin keçmiş zaman formalarından istifadə edirik:
I haven't got much money, so I think I'll stay at home this summer. -- Maureen decided that she would stay at home for the summer.
I'm not going to say anything about the exams today, because I don't have time. -- I wasn't going to say anything about the exams, but the students asked me to.
I'm having a meeting with my tutor tomorrow to discuss my work. -- I couldn't go to the match because I was having a meeting with my tutor.
Will you be going alone, or is Jane going with you? -- At the time, I thought I would be going alone, but then Tom said he wanted to come.
The exam will have finished by 3 o'clock, so I'll see you then. -- The exam was so easy that most people would have finished after 30 minutes.
There is to be a meeting of ministers this evening. -- It was announced that there was to be a meeting of ministers that evening.
When the school closes, all the teachers and children are to be moved to one nearby. -- As she approached retirement she heard that she was to be moved to a post in a nearby school.
As the bell is about to go for the end of the lesson, you can pack your books away. -- The bell was about to go when all the children started to pack their books away.
Əgər keçmişdən görünən gələcək indiyə nəzərən də gələcəkdədirsə onda aşağıdakı hər iki formanı istifadə etmək mümkündür:
It was announced this morning that there is / was to be a statement this evening.
Bəzən olur ki, hadisənin baş verib vermədiyi məlum olmur:
I didn't phone to give him the news because we were seeing each other later. He was very upset when I told him. (= we saw each other)
We were seeing each other later that day, but I had to phone and cancel. (= we didn't see each other)
They left the house at 6.00 a.m. and would reach Edinburgh some 12 hours later. (= they reached Edinburgh)
He was sure that the medical tests would show that he was healthy. (= we don't know whether he was healthy or not)
Hadisənin baş verməsi məlum olduqda was/were to məsdər formasından, baş vermədikdə isə was/were to have fel (keçmiş bitmiş formada) formasından istifadə edirik:
At the time she was probably the best actor in the theatre company, but in fact some of her colleagues were to become much better known.
He was to find out years later that the car he had bought was stolen.
The boat, which was to have taken them to the island, failed to arrive.
There was to have been a ban on smoking in restaurants, but restaurant owners have forced the council to reconsider.
Qeyd 1: Qeyri-formal mətnlərdə ehtimal olunan, lakin baş verməyən hadisələri ifadə etmək üçün be supposed to ifadəsindən də istifadə oluna bilər:
I was supposed to help, but I was ill. (I was to have helped... -dan daha təbii)
Qeyd 2: Qeyri-formal mətnlərdə was/were to məsdər forması baş verməyən hadisələri ifadə etmək üçün də istifadə oluna bilər:
We were to see each other that day, but I had to phone and cancel. (və ya We were to have seen.../We were supposed to see...)