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Ödənişsiz olaraq (*) qrammatika öyrənin, testlər həll edin, audio yazılar dinləyin, tərcüməli mətnlər oxuyun, 142660 istifadəçi ilə ingilis dilində ünsiyyət qurun, il boyu davam edən müsabiqədə iştirak edib müxtəlif hədiyyələr qazanma şansı əldə edin...Dərs
Növbəti dərsə keçid və ya cari dərsin davamı səhifənin aşağı hissəsindədir.
Dərs 28: 1/5 - Qrammatika dərsləri. (seçdiyiniz səviyyə: intermediate)
Must və can't
Nəyinsə doğru olduğuna əmin olduqda must modal felindən istifadə edirik:
- You've been travelling all day. You must be tired. (Travelling is tiring and you've been travelling all day, so you must be tired.)
- 'Jim is a hard worker.' 'Jim? A hard worker? You must be joking. He's very lazy.'
- Carol must get very bored in her job. She does the same thing every day.
Can't modal felindən isə nəyinsə doğru olmadığına əmin olduqda istifadə edirik:
- You've just had lunch. You can't be hungry already. (People are not normally hungry just after eating a meal. You've just eaten, so you can't be hungry.)
- Brian said he would definitely be here before 9.30. It's 10 o'clock now and he's never late. He can't be coming.
- They haven't lived here for very long. They can't know many people.
Bu modal felləri qeyd etdiyimiz məna ilə keçmiş zaman formasında işlədərkən must have (done) və can't have (done) formalarından istifadə edirik. Aşağıdakı misala diqqət yetirək:
- George is outside his friends' house.
He has rung the doorbell three times but nobody has answered.
They must have gone out. (otherwise they would have answered)
Digər misallar:
- The phone rang but I didn't hear it. I must have been asleep.
- I've lost one of my gloves. I must have dropped it somewhere.
- Jane walked past me without speaking. She can't have seen me.
- Tom walked straight into a wall. He can't have been looking where he was going.
Couldn't have... ifadəsini can't have... ifadəsi əvəzinə istifadə etmək olar:
- She couldn't have seen me.
- Tom couldn't have been looking where he was going.